Recruitment Agencies in Horley

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More information

The Surrey town of Horley is based to the east of the county, within the Reigate and Banstead district. As a result of it's proximity to London and Crawley, the area is popular with commuters, however the town has a strong local job market in its own right. Recruitment agencies in Horley will work with businesses and candidates to support employment across a range of industries.

Horley is served by recruitment agencies based in the town itself, as well as Crawley and Gatwick. The M23 provides easy access to employment firms in the Horley area, while Horley railway station offers an additional transport link. Job seekers and employers will find a combination of multi-disciplined and industry specialist recruiters, with some of the latter offering staffing support in fields such as Pharmaceutical, Engineering and IT.

Economic overview

According to the 2011 Census, the population of Horley is 22,693. The town has some of the highest levels of employment in the town and the wards of Horley West, Horley East and Horley Central have a combined workforce of 11,800. Many of these will commute to London however, which is situated around 30 miles away.

Key industries and employers

Gatwick Airport is one of the biggest recruiters of workers in Horley and provides career opportunities for Security, HR and Retail

professionals. Contract and temporary Retail jobs are also available in Horley High Street. The airport additionally supports the local Hospitality and Catering industry, meaning that recruitment agencies will often be tasked to fill vacancies for Waiters / Waitresses and Hotel Staff. Other principal employers in and around Horley include Brambles Respite Care Centre, Scotia Gas Networks, Oakwood Secondary School, and Waitrose.

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