Manufacturing / Production Recruitment Agencies in Bolton

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Bolton in the Manufacturing / Production industry.
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Labour 24/7

Labour 24/7 is a firm that finds candidates for a wide range of sectors. They have been operating for over 50 years They were also a nominee for the Fastest 50 Companies in Manchester for 2016.

130 Manchester Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL4 8QR

The Best Connection

Founded in 1991, The Best Connection is a staffing and recruiting business that provides temporary and flexible workforce solutions to the Industrial, Driving, Warehouse & Distribution, and Retail sectors. The company is accredited with ISO 9001:2008 and is a member of the REC.

Ground Floor Entrance, First Floor And Second Floor Premises, 45-47 Deansgate, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1 1HQ
Plus 82 additional office locations


Adecco provides support to candidates and employers on a temporary, permanent or contract basis; they recruit for a multitude of roles across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

22 Churchgate, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1 1HL
Plus 51 additional office locations

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