Duval Accounts & Finance
We source the best accountancy and finance related professionals across the UK for free. Delivering fully qualified, detailed candidate information that fits the profile of your team or business for free. Everything we do is high quality and free until we have sourced the successful candidate. You only pay for our services and time, 14 days after the successful candidate starts. We also offer a 90 day rebate scheme and in some instances, a free replacement. All advertising, market feedback, advice is free as part of a high quality all-inclusive service.
Areas of Focus
What we Recruit for:
Accountancy & Finance professionals in permanent roles across the UK Part & Fully qualified - Payroll - Credit Control - Finance Managers, Analysts, Directors and support.
What we don't Recruit for:
We do not recruit temp staff or short term contract staff
Additional Services:
- Salary Surveys
Duval Accounts & Finance is a friendly, professional and creative specialist recruiter, placing a variety of professionals across various accountancy and finance related functions across the UK. Our clients are Accountancy firms and private SME businesses looking for new talent to join their existing teams. We offer flexible, tailored terms of business and fantastic communication and feedback.
Additional Information
We have offices located at the following addresses:
- 4th Floor, Colmore Gate, 2-6 Colmore Row, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 2QD
- 4th Floorrn169 Piccadilly, London, Middlesex, W1J 9EH
- 13th FloorrnPiccadilly Plaza, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 4BT
- Clavering Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE1 3NG
We recruit candidates at the following experience levels:
Graduate, Junior, Regular, Senior, Team Leader, Manager, Senior Manager, Director
We recruit in the following industries:
Accounting & Finance, Financial Services, Graduate, Tax