Social Care Recruitment Agencies in Dartford

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Dartford in the Social Care industry.
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At Reed, we use our local knowledge, expertise and passion in the social care sector, to specialise in recruiting high-calibre, trained social workers for temporary, permanent and contract roles, as well as project and consultancy work, across child and adult social care.

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Covers: UK Wide | Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary | Salaries £15k - £100k+

5 Waterside Court Galleon Boulevard, Crossways Business Park, Dartford, Kent, DA2 6NX
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Westmeria Recruitment

Westmeria Recruitment is a Kent based Health and Social Care employment agency. They have been supplying Social Care and Mental Health personnel to the public and private sector since 2005.

8 Essex Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2AU

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