Industrial Recruitment Agencies in Cheltenham

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Cheltenham in the Industrial industry.
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Reed's experience and customer reach in the industrial warehouse sector is nationwide, and we engage with more than 15,000 workers annually. Our specialist recruiters manage flexible workforces across all major UK conurbations, alongside having the ability to mobilise high-volume requirements at short notice. We offer the latest in booking management and time-capture technology, providing intelligent and nuanced reporting, both to order and self.

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Covers: UK Wide | Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary | Salaries £15k - £100k+

2D Regent Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1HE
Plus 62 additional office locations

RE: Recruitment

Based in Cheltenham and founded in 2001, RE: Recruitment provides staffing solutions to businesses across the Midlands & South West. The company specialises in providing contract, temporary, and permanent staff in the following industry sectors: Warehousing and Logistics, Hospitality and Catering, Agriculture and Horticulture, Food Processing, Security, Technical, Commercial, and Training.

Sunningend Business Centre, Maxet House, 22 Landsdown Industrial Estate, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 8PL
Plus 3 additional office locations

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