Industrial Recruitment Agencies in Ashton-under-lyne

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Ashton-under-lyne in the Industrial industry.
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Keystaff Recruitment

Keystaff Recruitment focuses on supplying staff in sectors including Engineering, Cleaning, Industrial, Construction, and Commercial throughout Manchester and the North West. The firm has been established for over 30 years and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

27 Booth Street, Ashton-under-lyne, Lancashire, OL6 7LB

Temp Station

Temp Station is a specialist agency providing staffing solutions to the Transport, Industrial, and Logistics sectors. They recruit for job roles like Class 1 Driver, Transport Controller, and Class 1 Night Container. Established in 2012, the company has offices in Normanton, Manchester, and more.

St Michaels Square, Ashton-under-lyne, Lancashire, OL6 6LE
Plus 1 additional office location

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