Engineering Recruitment Agencies in Redditch

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Redditch in the Engineering industry.
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YG Engineering

YG Engineering is a multi-vertical supplier of talent management solutions to the UK's Commercial, Engineering, FMCG, and Manufacturing sectors. Their team assigns professionals to a plethora of permanent assignments from entry-level to senior management roles. The entity also provides consultancy services to an extensive range of clients and works closely with the Technical industry.

8 Church Green E, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 8BP


Pertemps is a recruitment consultancy that supplies permanent, contract and temporary staffing solutions to a wide variety of sectors. The firm is a part of the Pertemps Network Group, which has over 250 branches and offices serving the whole of the UK. The agency has an e-service called PAWS that allows clients to order staff using an electronic catalogue. Pertemps offers a 24/7 service.

6 Church, Green West, Redditch, Worcestershire, B97 4DY
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