Construction Recruitment Agencies in Swansea

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Swansea in the Construction industry.
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Totec Recruitment

Totec Recruitment are specialist consultants that work for the Engineering, Energy & Construction, Manufacturing & FMCG, Sales & Sales Management, and IT, Office & Administration markets. Founded in 1973, they hire qualified candidates to fill permanent, contract, and temporary roles nationwide from their Swansea office. They are members of the Recruitment & Employment Confederation and have ISO 9001 Quality Certification.

Unit 1-3, Tawe Business Village, Phoenix Way, Enterprise Park, Swansea, West Glamorgan, SA7 9LA

Work Wales

Work Wales is a recruitment organisation founded in 2008. They cover Finance & Accounting, Commercial, Office & Admin, Sales & Marketing, Construction, Engineering, Oil & Gas, IT Support, Industrial, Warehouse, Manufacturing, Transport, Logistics, Aerospace, Automation, and more.

4 Pell Street, Swansea, West Glamorgan, SA1 3ES