Construction Recruitment Agencies in Stirling

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Stirling in the Construction industry.
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Contract Scotland

Contract Scotland is a multi-award winning agency based in Stirling with over 30 years of technical and professional recruitment experience. They work with employers and job seekers in and around Scotland by supplying candidates for roles in Business Support Services, Civil Engineering, Building and Construction, M&E Building Services, Housing and Property. CS is a member of REC, ICE and CECA.

Scotia House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, Stirlingshire, FK9 4TZ

DX Recruitment Limited

DX Recruitment Limited, based in Stirling, is a niche recruitment agency for Construction and Logistics. Besides catering to permanent and temporary requirements, they can also provide emergency high-volume HGV Drivers, Warehouse Operatives, Engineers, Groundworkers and more. They began in 2013 and have since serviced projects like Glasgow School of Art, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Stirling University and Forth Valley College Falkirk Campus.

Office 10, Commercial Centre Stirling Enterprise Park, Stirling, Stirlingshire, FK7 7RP

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