Accounting & Finance Recruitment Agencies in County Londonderry

1 Recruitment Agencies found in County Londonderry in the Accounting & Finance industry.
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First Choice Recruitment Consultancy

Established in 1994, First Choice Recruitment Consultancy is a provider of temporary, contract, and permanent recruitment services to the Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial, and Professional sectors in Northern Ireland. They recruit for a variety of job positions, such as Catering Assitant, Food Production Operatives, Discharge Co-ordinator, Health Support Worker, Contact Worker, and Nursing Auxiliary.

4A Abbey Street, Coleraine, County Londonderry, BT52 1DS

1B Windsor Avenue, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT67 9BG
23 Church Street, Cathedral Terrace, Belfast, County Antrim, BT1 1PG
75A High Street, Bangor, County Down, BT19 1BD
Unit 8, Itec Business Park, Newry, County Down, BT35 6DN