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Cooper Recruitment


We understand finding the right fit for your business isn’t always the easiest process and sometimes using recruiters can lead to disastrous partnerships. That’s where we are different to every other agency, at Cooper Recruitment, we know finding the perfect candidates is crucial to the success of your business. It’s important to find applicants who reflect your business values and goals, as well as going above and beyond. We know recruitment agencies aren’t always the best option when you’re struggling to find staff. We’ve all had bad experiences with candidates being sent forward that aren’t necessarily up to scratch or the best fit for your business. We’ve been there and we know how frustrating it can be. That’s why when choosing Cooper Recruitment, you know you’re going to receive only the best service because we know exactly how it feels to be lumbered with poor-quality candidates who aren’t suitable for your position. You can also rest assured we know exactly how it feels to be paying a fortune for mediocre service, so it\'s why we pride ourselves in transparent pricing, honest communication and providing your organisation with the highest quality applicants to get you on the road to success. After you’ve expressed interest, you will be assigned an account manager who will be with you every step of the way through the sales and onboarding process. Once you’re fully onboarded, it’s time to celebrate as you’re assigned your dedicated talent specialist. Now, we get the ball rolling, go on the market and find you the very best candidates.


Struggling to identify the next step in your career? Or feeling uncertain about what kind of job you want next? We can help you find your dream job here at Cooper Recruitment. Finding your next job can be challenging and that is why we want to help you on your journey to success. At Cooper, we can relieve that pressure and make the job search process a breeze. We understand that finding the right position can be demoralising and incredibly time-consuming, scrolling through the different job sites and constantly needing to be quick to apply before the deadline. We pride ourselves on finding only the most suitable positions for our candidates. We want to know what makes you tick, so we know exactly which positions will suit you best. Once you’ve registered for help with Cooper, you will have full access to our jobs portal, which will allow you to search for positions within your sector. When you’ve found roles that match your skills and needs, it\'s time to apply and begin the application process. After you’ve submitted your application, it will be reviewed by one of our talent specialists who will contact you to discuss the next steps and get you on the road to your dream job. By choosing Cooper, you know you’re in capable hands and aren’t going to be sent to interviews that are of no relevance to your skills. We pride ourselves on providing support and communication throughout the entire application process so you can rest assured you won’t go through it alone.

Additional Info

We have offices located at the following addresses:

  • Cooper Recruitment Ltd, 17a Harris Business Park, Hanbury Road, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 4DJ

We recruit candidates at the following experience levels:

School Leaver, Graduate, Junior, Regular, Senior, Team Leader, Manager, Senior Manager, Director

We recruit in the following industries:

Accounting & Finance, Administration, Construction, Call Centre / Customer Service, Engineering, Environmental, Executive / Management, Facilities Management, Food & Drink, Headhunting, Health & Safety, Housebuilding, Personnel / HR, Industrial, IT, Logistics, Manufacturing / Production, Marketing, Project Management, Property, Purchasing, Rec 2 Rec, Sales, Energy / Renewable Energy