Social Care Recruitment Agencies in Colchester

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Colchester in the Social Care industry.
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Bright Idea Staffing Limited

Bright Idea Staffing Limited connects staff and an extensive client portfolio in the Health and Social Care sectors across the UK. Based in Essex, they often recruit Allied Healthcare Professionals, Carers, Home Care Managers, Nurses, Senior Carers, and Support Workers. The agency fills temporary and part-time positions and caters to various fields, such as Down Syndrome, End of Life Care, Physical Disability, and Specialist Care.

53 Rayner Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 9AE

1Stop Healthcare

1 Stop Healthcare is a staffing agency that supplies professionals to clients across East Anglia. Their areas of focus include Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Nursing, Complex Care, and Older Persons. The company adheres to CQC, REC and ISO:9001 standards, and they have the 1 Stop Training Academy that promotes a fully administered QCF award program.

1 Stop Rec Ltd 35-39 London Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 9AJ


Nurseplus is a recruitment solutions provider to the Health and Social Care industries across the UK. Established in 2005, the agency offers flexible work, weekly pay, free mandatory training, nursing revalidation, and local support to candidates. They provide Office Roles, Agency Staffing, Corporate Accounts, and Homecare Services. Some roles they recruit for include RNs, Support Workers, Healthcare Assistants, and Care Assistants.

655 The Crescent Colchester Business Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9YQ
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