Legal Recruitment Agencies in Aberdeen

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Aberdeen in the Legal industry.
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TMM Recruitment

TMM Recruitment is an Aberdeen-based independent employment agency. Their services are used by local businesses to find and hire temporary, interim, and permanent employees. They also assist job searchers in finding work or progressing in their careers. The agency specialises in multiple sectors including Accountancy & Finance, Engineering, HR, IT, Legal, Office Support, Trades, Supply Chain, and more. The company was founded in 1997.

38 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, AB10 1YN

Thorpe Molloy Recruitment

Thorpe Molloy McCulloch Recruitment is a specialist provider of permanent, temporary and contract roles within multiple sectors - such as Accountancy and Finance; Engineering; Executive Search; HR; IT; Legal; Office Support; QHSE; Supply Chain; and Trades sectors. Founded in 1997, this employment agency has been the recipient of 21 awards and nominations, including the Scottish Recruitment Awards Small/Medium Agency of the Year 2000.

38 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, AB10 1YN

ASA Recruitment

ASA Recruitment is a multi-sector recruitment company for 17 industries which include Engineering, Hospitality & Catering and IT. They handle different kinds of requirements such as permanent, contract and temporary placements, contingency staff, high quantity personnel, and hourly worker needs. They started in 1970 and have teams in Glasgow, Edinburgh and more.

60 Union Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, AB10 1BB
Plus 3 additional office locations

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