Health Care Recruitment Agencies in Swindon

4 Recruitment Agencies found in Swindon in the Health Care industry.
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First City Nursing

First City Nursing is a recruiting business that provides temporary, temp-perm, and permanent staffing solutions, and offers caring services to hospitals and healthcare organisations, as well as to individuals across Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. The agency is based in Swindon and has branches across Cheltenham, Salisbury, and Chippenham.

26 Victoria Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 3AW


Aryavrat Healthcare focuses on Healthcare recruitment, hiring not only Nurses and Allied Health Professionals, but Healthcare IT Consultants and Developers as well. Their applicants come from both the UK and abroad, to whom they provide visa and accommodation support services. With over 15 years of experience under their belt, they place permanent, temporary and contract personnel into NHS trusts and more. Their head office is in Swindon.

105 Bath Rd, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 4AX

Beavers Recruitment

Beavers Recruitment connects job seekers and employers in a diverse range of industries such as Healthcare, Driving, Warehouse, and Commercial. Their client portfolio, which has grown since their establishment in 1990, includes B&Q, M&S, Iceland, Co-op, Tenens, SDC, JB Global, Timbmet, Homebase, and UK Shuttle.

140 Victoria Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 3BU


Nurseplus is a recruitment solutions provider to the Health and Social Care industries across the UK. Established in 2005, the agency offers flexible work, weekly pay, free mandatory training, nursing revalidation, and local support to candidates. They provide Office Roles, Agency Staffing, Corporate Accounts, and Homecare Services. Some roles they recruit for include RNs, Support Workers, Healthcare Assistants, and Care Assistants.

Unit 5 Pine Court, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 8AD
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