Health Care Recruitment Agencies in St. Helens

2 Recruitment Agencies found in St. Helens in the Health Care industry.
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Liberte Healthcare

Liberte Healthcare understands the unique requirements and demands of the healthcare sector, including compliance with regulations, specialised training needs and the importance of compassionate care. We work closely with both employers and candidates to ensure the right fit for both parties, whether it's for roles such as care assistants, support workers, team leaders or registered managers. Supporting various care and nursing homes.

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Covers: Northwest England and Wales | Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary | Salaries £15k - £100k+

4 Gamble Avenue, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 6UB


Nurseplus is a recruitment solutions provider to the Health and Social Care industries across the UK. Established in 2005, the agency offers flexible work, weekly pay, free mandatory training, nursing revalidation, and local support to candidates. They provide Office Roles, Agency Staffing, Corporate Accounts, and Homecare Services. Some roles they recruit for include RNs, Support Workers, Healthcare Assistants, and Care Assistants.

The Bold Business Centre, Bold Ln, Saint Helens, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4TX
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