Health Care Recruitment Agencies in Peterborough

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Peterborough in the Health Care industry.
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121 Social Care recruit and supply Temporary and Permanent staff to Residential Children's, Adults and Nursing Homes across the UK.

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Covers: UK Wide | Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary | Salaries £15k - £100k+

The Oakleigh Suite, Peppercorn Close, Peterborough, Cambs, PE12DU


Operating across the UK, Medicobay works exclusively for the Health Care industry. They source professionals for permanent positions and cater to a broad range of divisions, such as Allied Health, Medical Sales, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Social Care. The NHS Framework Code of Conduct accredits Medicobay. The type of appointments they recruit for include Community Nurses, Doctors & GPs, Emergency Nurses, Paramedics, and Radiographers.

152 Kirkmeadow, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE3 8JN

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