Health Care Recruitment Agencies in Hastings

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Hastings in the Health Care industry.
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HW Healthcare

HW Healthcare is a Nursing agency that operates 24/7 in the supply of Nurses and Healthcare Assistants across England including in London, Newcastle, Norwich, Birmingham, and Cardiff. Their staff go through face to face training courses and they also provide online timesheets. They supply Nurses and HCAs to nursing homes, residential homes, NHS Trust or private hospitals at short notice for temporary assignments.

10 Robertson Street, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1HL


Nurseplus is a recruitment solutions provider to the Health and Social Care industries across the UK. Established in 2005, the agency offers flexible work, weekly pay, free mandatory training, nursing revalidation, and local support to candidates. They provide Office Roles, Agency Staffing, Corporate Accounts, and Homecare Services. Some roles they recruit for include RNs, Support Workers, Healthcare Assistants, and Care Assistants.

Suite 1, 32 Wellington Square, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1PN
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