Administration Recruitment Agencies in Andover

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Andover in the Administration industry.
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Active Staff

Located in Andover, Hampshire, Abingdon, and Oxfordshire, Active Staff supplies staff for a range of industries including Administration, Customer Service, Driving, Engineering, Manufacturing, Science, Sales, and more. This independent agency is a corporate member of the REC, a Stronger Together 2021 Business Partner, and GLAA licensed.

25a High Street, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1LJ

Gi Group

Gi Group UK offers employment for a wide range of areas including Industrial, Driving and Professional to anywhere in the nation. They have found their expertise in hiring permanent and temporary jobs for large and multinational organisations. The Gi Group was founded in 1998 and has branches in over 40 countries in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa.

27 Bridge Street, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1BE
Plus 24 additional office locations


Adecco provides support to candidates and employers on a temporary, permanent or contract basis; they recruit for a multitude of roles across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

29 Bridge Street, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1BE
Plus 50 additional office locations

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