IT Recruitment Agencies in Salisbury

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Salisbury in the IT industry.
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ReQuire Consultancy

Founded in 2015, ReQuire Consultancy is a recruiting agency based in the South West of England that delivers search and advisory services focused on Executive Hire, Defence, Life Sciences, Charity Commercial appointments throughout the UK. the agency provides permanent staff to various industry sectors, including Accountancy & Legal, IT, Finance, Sales, Marketing & Creative, Engineering & Technical, and Life Sciences.

6 Manor Farm Barns, Burcombe Lane, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 0EJ

Five Rivers Recruitment

Established in 2004, Five Rivers Recruitment is an independent agency servicing Salisbury and the Wiltshire area. They provide temporary and permanent recruitment solutions. They serve several sectors including Accounting, Banking, Catering, IT, Legal, Technical, Property, and more.

Salisbury Office First Floor, Cross Keys House 22 Queen Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 1EY

Meridian Business Support

Meridian Business Support is a multi-specialist recruitment solutions provider for the following verticals: Built Environment, Health, Office & Professional and Industrial. Founded in 1989, they have more than 25 branches across 10 regions in the UK including a primary office in Manchester. By delivering services from ad hoc staffing to managed workforce systems, they work with 1,500 companies and supply thousands of workers every week.

Warner House, 123 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3TB
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