Catering and Hospitality Recruitment Agencies in Milton Keynes

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Milton Keynes in the Catering and Hospitality industry.
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Wild Recruitment

Formed in 2001, Wild Recruitment provides staffing solutions across the Office & Professional, Catering & Hospitality, Industrial & Driving, Sales & Customer Service and Engineering & Technical industries. They have offices across London, Milton Keynes, Portsmouth and Poole.

Unit 7 Linford Forum, Rockingham Drive, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK14 6LY

1st Choice

1st Choice Recruitment is an employment agency that supplies temporary, permanent and contract staff to a broad range of sectors including Catering, Insurance, IT, Languages, and Engineering. They serve the Bedford, Milton Keynes, and Huntingdon areas, and are accredited by REC and Cyber Essentials.

Unit 201, Sovereign Court, Witan Gate East, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK9 2HP
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